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Writing a template compatible for Unraid

This is an effort to collect information from Squid's FAQ.


Enabling Template Authoring Mode

In order to have a smooth experience creating templates I highly recommend enabling Template Authoring Mode, it allows you to see the XML in clear-text and some other small neat tricks we might need to come back to.

This process requires you to shut down the docker service for a short while, as Unraid doesn't let us change the setting with the service running. !docker-off

When the docker service is successfully shut down, enable advanced view. !docker-adv-view

We can now enable authoring mode, you can also toggle the docker service back on. !docker-author-mode

Auto-generating from Docker image

1. Search from Docker Hub

Make sure you can retrieve search results from Docker Hub

In order to have Community Applications generate a template, we need to enable additional search from Docker Hub. You do this by opening CA, and press the settings button on the sidebar, and enabling additional search. !ca-side-bar !ca-dHub-on

For this guide I will use domistyle/idrac6 as an example. Go back to CA, and type the image you want to create a template for in the search bar (If you get a match now, chances are, it is already in CA) and press Get More Results From Docker Hub. !ca-from-dHub

Community Applications shows results for both the image-maintainer, and image-name. Which means that we will get similar results. Press the download to disk icon, and let Community Applications convert it. !ca-result-dHub

For this one Community Applications didn't do a very good job in converting it (It reads the Dockerfile for volumes, expose, publish etc.), however we can modify it with the template editor in Unraid. !converted

2. Edit the template

To see what we need to edit, we can most often refer to the readme of the container

(Including a screenshot in case the readme changes) !cont-readme.

Get to know the template editor, its very handy. Also for managing existing templates.

I'm going through the rest of this guide with a mix of views (to remove clutter from images). If some of the settings you see in a screenshot isn't showing to you, enable advanced view. !cont-adv-mode


I will start with adding the variables, just because those are on the top of the documentation of this container.

To add the IDRAC_HOST variable, we are going to press the Add another Path, Port, Variable or Device link. !cont-add-var

We need to change the Config Type to Variable, then we can start adding values. There is a lot going on here, but it is all going to make sense in the end.

  • Name - The name for the variable, this is to help the user identifying what this variable does.

  • Key - This is the actual variable, so we are putting IDRAC_HOST here.

  • Value - We don't fill this, this is for the user.

  • Default Value - We could fill this, but since we can only do an estimated guess on what a users idrac host is, we are going to skip it.

  • Description - Usually I don't fill this field with this long of a text, but the documentation of the container had a good one, so I'm using it.

  • Display - This decides if the "average user" (someone that isn't using advanced view) is going to see this variable.

  • Required - I set this to yes because I know the container wont work without it set. The fact that the documentation tells me its required also helped in the decision.

  • Password Mask - This isn't a password, so it doesn't need to have its value masked behind asterisk (*).


Here are some screenshots on how I added the other required variables

!cont-add-var-menu-user Here I set the Default value as root, since I know that's the default username on idrac

!cont-add-var-menu-password Here I set the Default value as calvin, since I know that's the default password on idrac, I also enabled Password Mask


Next is adding the volumes. We press the same Add another Path, Port, Variable or Device link, but we don't need to change the config type this time. The fields we can add here is mostly the same, but with the "Volume" type some of them are voided. Like password mask.

If it's a "proper" appdata location, I set required to yes

  • Access Mode - Defines how the container should have access to this volume. Almost always read/write



Now it is time for the ports. We press the same Add another Path, Port, Variable or Device link. This time we need to change the config type to Port.

The documentation for this container says we can use port 5800 to access the interface, so that's the port we are going to add. It also mentions the VNC port, but most users wont need this.

  • Connection Type - Always TCP, unless specified otherwise.



Now you have a basic template. This might be enough for your own usage, but in order to add it to Community Applications we should add some spice to the template.

As you can see there are lots of fields we can fill in with the template editor. !cont-meta-empty

I'm not going to walk you through this, but I am going to tell you how it ended up like it did.

I changed the overview to match the intro from the readme of the container.

I used the dropdown to set the categories as I saw fit.

I set the support thread as the issue page of the project.

!!! danger "Do not do this if you are creating a template for your own container, create a support thread on the Unraid forums and use that link"

The project page is usually the GitHub link to the container.

I have yet to change the Icon URL, because I need to create an icon.

WebUI Should be filled with the container port, Unraid should do the translation http://[IP]:[PORT:5800]. If this is an https enabled port, set the url to use https.

For Post arguments and Extra Parameters, you should know if you need to fill this.

There is more information on this in the Manual way part


3. Grab the XML

Once you have filled all the fields, and set the ports, variables and volumes as good as you can, you can press the Save button, this takes you to a page where can see the xml in plain-text. Don't worry, it also saves the xml to your OS disk. Bellow is the XML generated by the procedure above.

Extracted XML
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Container version="2">
    <Overview>Allows access to the iDRAC 6 console without installing Java or messing with Java Web Start. Java is only run inside of the container and access is provided via web interface or directly with VNC.</Overview>
    <Category>Tools: Network:Management</Category>
    <Description>Allows access to the iDRAC 6 console without installing Java or messing with Java Web Start. Java is only run inside of the container and access is provided via web interface or directly with VNC.</Description>
    <Config Name="idrac host" Target="IDRAC_HOST" Default="" Mode="" Description="Host for your iDRAC instance. Make sure your instance is reachable with https://&amp;lt;IDRAC_HOST&amp;gt;. See IDRAC_PORT for using custom ports. HTTPS is always used." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="idrac user" Target="IDRAC_USER" Default="root" Mode="" Description="Username for your iDRAC instance." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="idrac password" Target="IDRAC_PASSWORD" Default="calvin" Mode="" Description="Password for your iDRAC instance." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="true"/>
    <Config Name="WebUI" Target="5800" Default="5800" Mode="tcp" Description="web interface port" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="idrac port" Target="IDRAC_PORT&#9;" Default="443" Mode="" Description="The optional port for the web interface." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="keyboard fix" Target="IDRAC_KEYCODE_HACK" Default="false|true" Mode="" Description="If you have issues with keyboard input, try setting this to true." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">false</Config>
    <Config Name="PUID" Target="USER_ID" Default="" Mode="" Description="PUID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false">99</Config>
    <Config Name="PGID" Target="GROUP_ID" Default="" Mode="" Description="PGID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false">100</Config>
    <Config Name="Virtual media" Target="/vmedia" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/idrac/vmedia" Mode="rw" Description="Can be used to allow virtual media to be mounted." Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="Libraries" Target="/app" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/idrac/app" Mode="rw" Description="Libraries downloaded from your iDRAC instance will be stored here. Add a volume to cache those files for a faster container startup." Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="Screenshots" Target="/screenshots" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/idrac/screenshots" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /screenshots" Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"/>

4. Clean the XML

Community Applications adds a lot of stuff that is not necessary for a template, but which Unraid uses to actually run and present the container.

My first steps in removing unnecessary tags is to delete tags that are closed without value, like <MyIP/>.

XML after
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Container version="2">
    <Overview>Allows access to the iDRAC 6 console without installing Java or messing with Java Web Start. Java is only run inside of the container and access is provided via web interface or directly with VNC.</Overview>
    <Category>Tools: Network:Management</Category>
    <Description>Allows access to the iDRAC 6 console without installing Java or messing with Java Web Start. Java is only run inside of the container and access is provided via web interface or directly with VNC.</Description>
    <Config Name="idrac host" Target="IDRAC_HOST" Default="" Mode="" Description="Host for your iDRAC instance. Make sure your instance is reachable with https://&amp;lt;IDRAC_HOST&amp;gt;. See IDRAC_PORT for using custom ports. HTTPS is always used." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="idrac user" Target="IDRAC_USER" Default="root" Mode="" Description="Username for your iDRAC instance." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="idrac password" Target="IDRAC_PASSWORD" Default="calvin" Mode="" Description="Password for your iDRAC instance." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="true"/>
    <Config Name="WebUI" Target="5800" Default="5800" Mode="tcp" Description="web interface port" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="idrac port" Target="IDRAC_PORT&#9;" Default="443" Mode="" Description="The optional port for the web interface." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="keyboard fix" Target="IDRAC_KEYCODE_HACK" Default="false|true" Mode="" Description="If you have issues with keyboard input, try setting this to true." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">false</Config>
    <Config Name="PUID" Target="USER_ID" Default="" Mode="" Description="PUID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false">99</Config>
    <Config Name="PGID" Target="GROUP_ID" Default="" Mode="" Description="PGID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false">100</Config>
    <Config Name="Virtual media" Target="/vmedia" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/idrac/vmedia" Mode="rw" Description="Can be used to allow virtual media to be mounted." Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="Libraries" Target="/app" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/idrac/app" Mode="rw" Description="Libraries downloaded from your iDRAC instance will be stored here. Add a volume to cache those files for a faster container startup." Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="Screenshots" Target="/screenshots" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/idrac/screenshots" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /screenshots" Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"/>

Since I prefer using just the Config tags, I also remove the tags Networking, Data and Environment together with it's content.

XML after
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Container version="2">
    <Overview>Allows access to the iDRAC 6 console without installing Java or messing with Java Web Start. Java is only run inside of the container and access is provided via web interface or directly with VNC.</Overview>
    <Category>Tools: Network:Management</Category>
    <Description>Allows access to the iDRAC 6 console without installing Java or messing with Java Web Start. Java is only run inside of the container and access is provided via web interface or directly with VNC.</Description>
    <Config Name="idrac host" Target="IDRAC_HOST" Default="" Mode="" Description="Host for your iDRAC instance. Make sure your instance is reachable with https://&amp;lt;IDRAC_HOST&amp;gt;. See IDRAC_PORT for using custom ports. HTTPS is always used." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="idrac user" Target="IDRAC_USER" Default="root" Mode="" Description="Username for your iDRAC instance." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="idrac password" Target="IDRAC_PASSWORD" Default="calvin" Mode="" Description="Password for your iDRAC instance." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="true"/>
    <Config Name="WebUI" Target="5800" Default="5800" Mode="tcp" Description="web interface port" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="idrac port" Target="IDRAC_PORT&#9;" Default="443" Mode="" Description="The optional port for the web interface." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="keyboard fix" Target="IDRAC_KEYCODE_HACK" Default="false|true" Mode="" Description="If you have issues with keyboard input, try setting this to true." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">false</Config>
    <Config Name="PUID" Target="USER_ID" Default="" Mode="" Description="PUID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false">99</Config>
    <Config Name="PGID" Target="GROUP_ID" Default="" Mode="" Description="PGID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false">100</Config>
    <Config Name="Virtual media" Target="/vmedia" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/idrac/vmedia" Mode="rw" Description="Can be used to allow virtual media to be mounted." Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="Libraries" Target="/app" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/idrac/app" Mode="rw" Description="Libraries downloaded from your iDRAC instance will be stored here. Add a volume to cache those files for a faster container startup." Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="Screenshots" Target="/screenshots" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/idrac/screenshots" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /screenshots" Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"/>

Remove DateInstalled, since it's just used internally for Unraid.

Unless you know what shell the container uses, also remove Shell.

What I consider a good XML, to base a PR on
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Container version="2">
    <Overview>Allows access to the iDRAC 6 console without installing Java or messing with Java Web Start. Java is only run inside of the container and access is provided via web interface or directly with VNC.</Overview>
    <Category>Tools: Network:Management</Category>
    <Description>Allows access to the iDRAC 6 console without installing Java or messing with Java Web Start. Java is only run inside of the container and access is provided via web interface or directly with VNC.</Description>
    <Config Name="idrac host" Target="IDRAC_HOST" Default="" Mode="" Description="Host for your iDRAC instance. Make sure your instance is reachable with https://&amp;lt;IDRAC_HOST&amp;gt;. See IDRAC_PORT for using custom ports. HTTPS is always used." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="idrac user" Target="IDRAC_USER" Default="root" Mode="" Description="Username for your iDRAC instance." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="idrac password" Target="IDRAC_PASSWORD" Default="calvin" Mode="" Description="Password for your iDRAC instance." Type="Variable" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="true"/>
    <Config Name="WebUI" Target="5800" Default="5800" Mode="tcp" Description="web interface port" Type="Port" Display="always" Required="true" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="idrac port" Target="IDRAC_PORT&#9;" Default="443" Mode="" Description="The optional port for the web interface." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="keyboard fix" Target="IDRAC_KEYCODE_HACK" Default="false|true" Mode="" Description="If you have issues with keyboard input, try setting this to true." Type="Variable" Display="advanced-hide" Required="false" Mask="false">false</Config>
    <Config Name="PUID" Target="USER_ID" Default="" Mode="" Description="PUID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false">99</Config>
    <Config Name="PGID" Target="GROUP_ID" Default="" Mode="" Description="PGID" Type="Variable" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false">100</Config>
    <Config Name="Virtual media" Target="/vmedia" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/idrac/vmedia" Mode="rw" Description="Can be used to allow virtual media to be mounted." Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="Libraries" Target="/app" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/idrac/app" Mode="rw" Description="Libraries downloaded from your iDRAC instance will be stored here. Add a volume to cache those files for a faster container startup." Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"/>
    <Config Name="Screenshots" Target="/screenshots" Default="/mnt/user/appdata/idrac/screenshots" Mode="rw" Description="Container Path: /screenshots" Type="Path" Display="advanced" Required="false" Mask="false"/>

More spice

It's worth reading Add a Config Entry and XML Field Explanations to see if any of that applies to your template.

Manually writing a template

1. Starting from "scratch"

To make sure we don't miss anything, we are going to start from a baseXML.

I'm using the same example-container as above.

Knowing the basics of XML is preferred

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <Container version="2">

2. Fill the base

Since you are here browsing the "hard" way, I'm assuming you know some, if not most of the Docker terminology used going forward.

Filling the baseXML above is pretty straight forward, however the tags expect the following:

  • Name - The name for the container, preferably in lowercase.

  • Repository - The name of the image to pull from Docker Hub (other repositories work). e.g. domistyle/idrac6

  • Registry - Link to the Docker Hub page for this container. e.g.

  • Support - A link to a support thread on the Unraid forums for the container

  • Project - Link to the GitHub page (or the homepage of the project) e.g.

  • Overview - Basic description of the project. e.g.

    Allows access to the iDRAC 6 console without installing Java or messing with Java Web Start. Java is only run inside of the container and access is provided via web interface or directly with VNC.

  • WebUI - Which container-port a web UI might be on. e.g. http://[IP]:[PORT:5800] Unraid will translate this string to the IP of the server, and the host-port set for container-port 5800

  • Icon URL to an icon, personally I prefer them in png. It has to be loaded over https. e.g. chevereto icon{: style="height:1em"}

  • ExtraParams - Parameters sent with the docker run command. e.g. --restart unless-stopped

  • PostArgs - Command to run inside the container after start. e.g. /bin/sh -c 'apk update && apk add ipmitool && telegraf' See valid example

  • DonateText - Text to show with the donate button.

  • DonateLink - URL for donations.

  • Network - Usually bridge if not specified by the image maintainer

  • TemplateURL - URL to the template. If it is a PR to our repo, set it to<container-name>.xml and replace <container-name> with the actual name of the container (again, in lowercase).


Has to be a raw link for GitHub.

  • DonateImg URL to donation image.

3. Add a Config entry

There are two ways to achieve this, but I'm only going to focus on one of them. The syntax is like this:

<Config Name="" Target="" Default="" Mode="rw" Description="" Type="Path" Display="always" Required="false"

This syntax spans over all the 4 config types, some attributes changes meaning depending on the Type.

Add a Volume

The volume specific values are:

  • Target - The container path for the volume. e.g. /config

  • Mode - What permissions to use for the volume.

    • rw as ReadWrite
    • ro as ReadOnly
    • Slave options are also supported
  • Type - Always Path.

Add a Variable

  • Target - The variable. e.g. IDRAC_HOST

  • Type - Always Variable.

Add a Port

  • Target - The container port. e.g. 80

  • Type - Always Port.

Shared attributes

  • Name - The name that shows in the Unraid template manager. e.g. Appdata, PUID, WebUI

  • Description - A more detailed description on this Config. e.g Appdata location, PUID, WebUI

  • Default - Suggested value for the Config. e.g. /mnt/user/appdata/idrac, 99, 8080

  • Display - How the volume is shown to the user.

    • always Always show the volume, can be edited and deleted in basic view.
    • always-hide Always show the volume, cannot be edited and deleted in basic view.
    • advanced Shows when the user presses Show more settings ..., can be edited and deleted in basic view.
    • advanced-hide Shows when the user presses Show more settings ..., cannot be edited and deleted in basic view.
  • Required If the user is able to continue without specifying the value. true or false

  • Mask If the value should be masked behind asterisks, only really useful on variables. true or false

Tips and Tricks

Limit Config entry to predefined values

For a Config field, instead of allowing users to type in a value, you can provide a dropdown list of options. In the Default attribute, list the available values separated by the pipe (|) character (e.g. Default="true|false"). This is highly recommended for boolean values.

Categorization tool

It's preferred to categorize your template, and recommended to use the "Application Categorizer" plugin to generate the appropriate tags. !templ-application-categorizer

XML field explanations

This is an alphabetical, non-exhaustive list of the fields that can be provided in the <Container> section of the XML template (as of Unraid 6.10+), and what they do. For a full list, see the XML schema post.

Please note that a number of these fields are optional, and you should only include them if they are relevant to your container.

  • Banner - A URL to a banner image for the container. This should be a direct link to an image file, typically a PNG file.

  • Beta - Gives the application a warning in Community Applications with the following text This application has been marked as being Beta. This does NOT neccessarily mean that there will be issues.. Set to either true or false.

  • Branch - Offer different versions of the container to the user. This corresponds to different tags on the Docker image. For example, offer a latest branch and a beta branch, or a version of the container that uses different GPU drivers.



  • Tag - The tag of the Docker image to use. It is typical to include at least a latest tag, but other tags can be used as well.

  • TagDescription - A description of the tag. This is displayed to the user when they are installing the container.

  • Category - A list of categories that this template belongs to. Please use the "Application Categorizer" plugin to generate the appropriate tags. Proper categories make your template more discoverable in the Community Applications store.

  • Changes - A changelog for the template. This should be used for changes to the template, NOT changes to the application itself. This is displayed in the Community Applications store entry. This only supports Markdown, not HTML.



  • Config - A configuration entry for the container. See the Add a Config section for more information.

  • Date - The date this container was last updated. This is used internally by Unraid and should not be modified. Do NOT include this in your template.

  • DateInstalled - The date that the container was installed. This is used internally by Unraid and should not be modified. Do NOT include this in your template.

  • Description - Deprecated. Use Overview instead.



  • DonateText - Deprecated. This should be included in your Community Applications profile configuration instead.

  • DonateLink - Deprecated. This should be included in your Community Applications profile configuration instead.

  • ExtraParams - Additional parameters to pass to the docker run command when starting the container. This should only be used for advanced configurations.

  • ExtraSearchTerms - A space-delimited list of additional search terms for the container. This can be used to help users find the container in the Community Applications store.

  • Icon - A URL to an icon for the container. This should be a direct link to an image file, typically a PNG file.

  • License - Information about the license for the container.

  • Maintainer - Information about the maintainer of the template (you). This is displayed in the Community Applications store entry.

  • WebPage - A link to your personal website or contact page.

  • Name - The name of the container. This is what the template will be called in the Community Applications store ( including search results).

  • Network - The networking mode for the container. This is often either bridge or host, but can also be the name of a custom network.

  • Overview - A description of the container. This is displayed in the Community Applications store entry and when the user is setting up the container. Include any important instructions or information here.


    !templ-overview-2 !templ-overview

  • Privileged - Whether the container should run in privileged mode. This can be a security risk and should be avoided if possible.

  • Project - A link to the project's GitHub repository or other homepage.

  • ReadMe - A link to a README file for the container. This will be displayed in the context menu (left-click on the container's icon) in the Docker tab.

  • Registry - A link to the registry where the Docker image is located. This is often a link to the Docker Hub page for the image.

  • Repository - A link to the repository where the Docker image can be downloaded from, in the pattern registry/author/app_name:tag_name. For example, author/app_name (defaults to Docker Hub and latest tag), or (a preview-tagged image from the GitHub Container Registry).

  • Requires - A warning message informing users of any prerequisites or requirements. This will be displayed:

    • in the "Additional Requirements" section of the app's Community Applications store entry


    • in a pop-up when the user clicks "Install" in the Community Applications store


    • in "Additional Requirements" on the container's settings page in Unraid


  • Screenshot - A link to an image to display in the Community Applications store entry. This should be a direct link to an image file, typically a PNG file. You can include multiple screenshots by adding multiple <Screenshot> tags.



  • Shell - The shell to use when running commands in the container. This is typically sh or bash. Do NOT include if you are unsure, as it can cause issues with the container.

  • Support - A link to a support thread on the Unraid forums for the container. This will be mapped to the "Support" button on the Community Applications store entry.

  • TemplateURL - A link to the raw XML file for the template hosted on GitHub. This should start with

  • WebUI - A pattern of the URL to access the web interface of the container, typically in the pattern http://[IP]:[PORT:5000]. When provided, a "WebUI" option will be available in the context menu (left-click on the container's icon) in the Docker tab.



  • Video - A link to a video about the container. This will be displayed in the Community Applications store entry.

